The TopSoil Podcast

Reducing CI with Biologicals & Nutrient Management | CI Series

TopSoil Season 8 Episode 9

In the latest Topsoil Webinar, Mitchell Hora is accompanied by Steven Vistad from Dokata Bio. Steve unveils Dokata Bio's latest products and provides insights into their positive effect on your crops. Discover how these innovative biological products can effectively reduce your carbon intensity score. Additionally, Mitchell showcases various practices using the free TopSoil  CI calculator to demonstrate how they can contribute to lowering your CI score.

Ready to get started on TopSoil? Visit TopSoil.Ag to start your farm profile and unlock your CI Score!

Learn more about Carbon Intensity by watching the CI Chit Chat hosted by Chad Secbold and Mitchell Hora! Hosted live every Tuesday from 7:45 - 8:15 CST. Click HERE to register